USFS Data Reporter/Report Generator Questions:

How do you receive the data for this report?




What do you need to do to actualize the report?

What type of systems or technology?

How much time does it take execute the task?

How long do you need to retain the report you generate?

How often do you perform the action?

What may cause rework of the process or activity?

Are there standards or conventions that you need to comply to?

If so, how do you apply the standards or conventions?

Are there other data sources that need to be integrated?

Is data transformed from how you collect it to a structure to send forward?

Who do you need to send the information to?

How frequently?

How is the data sent/shared?

Who and how is the report Quality Controlled?

What is your understanding of how this information is used?

Do you know how it impacts your organization?

Do you ever have to supply the same report or information to other business areas or organizations?

If so which data is common to other requests/reports?

What opportunities do you see to improve the following?:

Quality of the data?

Processing time or effort?

Usefulness of the data?