
% change frm 10yr avg no. fires controlled in initial attack

% of admin facilities maintained to standard

% of customers satisfied w rec facilities, srvcs & settings

% of fires exceeding a Stratified Cost Index (SCI)

% of Grazing allotmnt acres admin to 100% of Forest Plan std

% of NIPF acres managed sustainably as defined by curr FSMP

% of population in communities in the developing category

% of population in communities in the managing category

% of rec customers satisfied with value for fee paid

% of recreation site capacity operated to standard

% of recreation sites maintained to standard

% of the States for which FIA data is current and accessible

% of trails that meet national quality standards

% of treated acres identified in CWPPs or equivalent plans

% of wildfire acres with resource benefits

3-yr % of fires that exceed a Stratified Cost Index (SCI)

Acres acquired maintaining ecological condition

Acres acquired providing access for recreation

Acres acquired through purchases or donation

Acres covered by stewardship contracts/agreements

Acres mangd sustainably to stndrd of curr stwrdshp mgmt plns

Acres of all lands protected from conversion

Acres of forest vegetation established

Acres of forestland vegetation improved

Acres of forestlands treated using timber sales

Acres of fuels mitigated on NFS lands

Acres of fuels treated in the WUI

Acres of harvest-related woody fuels treated

Acres of inventoried data collected/acquired

Acres of lake habitat restored/enhanced

Acres of national forest system lands

Acres of NIPF land being managed sustainably - Annual

Acres of NIPF land under stewardship mgmt plans

Acres of non-WUI fuels treated

Acres of rangeland vegetation improved

Acres of terrestrial habitat restored/enhanced

Acres of water/soil resources protected/maintained/improved

Acres of watersheds at/near natural condition

Acres treated annually to sustain/restore watershed

Acres treated for native and invasive pests

Acres treated for noxious weeds/invasive plants on NFS lands

Acres treated to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire

Administrative facilities maintained to standard

All lands restored or enhanced annually

Annual monitoring requirements completed

CCF of timber volume sold

Census population in the National Communities Database

Commnities w dvlping/establd UCF prgms due to FS assistance

Communities receiving firefighting capacity building SFA

Cumulative acres acquired through purchases or donations

Cumulative open LE cases

Cumulative private acres protected frm conv by legacy prgm

Customer satisfaction index score for R&D products/services

Documented law enforcement incidents per 10000 forest visits

Documented LE incidents on NFS lands

Existing saleable min contracts, permits, col sites & pits

Facilities Condition Index

Fire Science output efficiency index

Fire Science Quality index

Forest Service owned administrative buildings

Forest Service recreation visits per NVUM

FS Acres of fuels treated in the WUI

Grazing acres sustainably managed for all rangeland products

Grazing allotment acres admin to 100% of Standard

Grazing allotment acres managed

Grazing allotments w signed decision notices

Green tons of biomass for bio-energy

Heritage program score

Heritage programs managed to standard

High clearance road new construction

High clearance road reconstruction

High clearance roads receiving maintenance

Land use authorizations administered to standard

LE cases referred for adjudication in the FY

Leasable energy minrls actions administrd

Leasable energy minrls actions processed

Locatable mineral notices of intent processed

Locatable mineral plans of operation administered

Miles of high clearance road improvement

Miles of passenger car road improvement

Miles of property line maintained to standard

Miles of property line marked to standard

Miles of property line marked/maintained to standard

Miles of roads decommissioned

Miles of stream habitat restored or enhanced

Miles of system road decommissioned

Miles of trail improved

Miles of trail maintained

Miles of unauthorized road decommissioned

Mineral operations administered to standard

Mineral plans of operation processed

New patent applications

New saleable min contracts, permits, col sites & pits

NFS acres of fuels mitigated in the WUI

NFS Acres treated for invasive terr & aquatic species

NFS trail miles

NIPF acres in important forest resource areas

No. of Wild and Scenic Rivers meeting statutory requirements

Non-energy leasable actions processed

Non-energy leasable ops administered

Number of formally refereed publications

Number of geologic hazards managed

Number of geologic resources managed

Number of land use proposals & applications processed

Number of LMP amendments underway

Number of LMP assessments completed

Number of LMP revisions/creations completed

Number of LMP revisions/creations initiated

Number of LMP revisions/creations ongoing

Number of LMP revisions/creations underway

Number of mineral proposals processed

Number of NF visits where visitor was satisfied

Number of recreation sites

Number of recreation sites maintained to standard

Number of the US States covered by the FIA Program

Number of volunteers and service participants

Number of watersheds within condition class I

Number of watersheds within condition class II

Number of watersheds within condition class III

Number of wildernesses meeting Wilderness baseline

Oil, gas & geothermal leases processed

Parcelization of forests avoided (No. of parcels prevented)

Participants in FS environmntl literacy progrms/activities

Passenger car road new construction

Passenger car road reconstruction

Passenger car roads receiving maintenance

Patent licences executed

Percent of watersheds in Class I condition

Percentage of cases referred for adjudication

Population of communities in the developing category

Population of communities in the managing category

Priority acres treated for invasive species on Coop lands

Priority acres treated for invasive species on Fed lands

Priority acres treated for native pests on Coop lands

Priority acres treated for native pests on Fed lands

Prvt forest prot by FLP frm conversion by easemnt/fee simple

R&D tools devloped, delivered & used to mng invasive species

Rec special use authorizations admin to standard

Recreation site PAOT capacity operated to standard

Recreation site seasonal operating PAOT capacity

Reserved/outstanding mineral opeartions administered

Resvd/outstanding minrl rights ops processed

Science Delivery Activities

Science delivery products

SFA Acres of fuels treated in the WUI

Small communities recving firefighting capacity building VFA

States where FIA data is accessible to external customers

Stream xings constrctd/reconstrctd for aqua organism passage

Total amount of grants and agreements awarded to other organ

Trail system miles meeting standard

Volume of timber sold - MMBF

Watershed stewardship contracts contrib to fully functn cond

Watersheds moved to improved class or sustained in CC 1

Wildfire risk index